Friday, September 18, 2009

school's off for another week XP

after another 3 weeks of schooling, here comes the raya holidays~


wallet? check.
wallet with money leh..? ......err......check *grins*
camera? check.
clothes? probably check.
borrowed book that i've been waiting for so long to bring along? check, check XP
laptop? ch--oh, wait--I don't have one =.=
what else...........................
4got to checklist " Me " on the list XD
ME!!! check
ok, all set? let's gogogogogogooggoogoggogoo!!!!

Going to Penang during the Raya holiday:
Been there once, but i was really tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
how the heck could I remember that??


Sunday, September 13, 2009

LOLed on this XD XD XD---nigahiga's videos

tagged by Man Yee XP


1. Enyze
2. Sin Wei
3. D&D
4. Wei Wei
5. Zuo-Shan
6. Amanda
7. Jo Ann
8. Charlene
9. Hui Wen
10. Man Yee

01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]:: yeap..i think
02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]:: not a boy,nor a girl. It's a bear XD
03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]:: err...ask her =D
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]:: got
05-[ 7号姓氏? ]:: Goh
06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]:: YES! XD
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]:: not sure
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]:: tak faham ==
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]::
10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]:: 是
11-[ 8号的生日是? ]:: XX月XX日 ( I'm sorry!! >< )
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]:: SMK Seksyen 4 Bandar Kinrara ..lagi mana XP
13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]:: err...been neighbours since...err...
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]:: 2个月 =]
15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]:: 没有
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]:: i don't mind talking to her =D
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]:: who doesn't? =p
18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]:: loves to kacau D&D, and we mostly talk about anime XP XP XP
19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]:: suitable to be an author *grins*
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]:: frens ^^..don't think bengkok ==

1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: man Yee [BEAR!!]
2. 你们认识多久呢:: ehh..really, really, i mean REALLY LONG time
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: 重要
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: 朋友 =)
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何:: err..loves the com more than me >~<
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: on9-ing lor
7. 他(她)在你心目中是几分:: ... 7.5/10 gua..

問 : 夏天去海边玩 看到比基尼辣妹 会
答 : wah..i wan go TT
問 : 当你在更衣室沖凉 门忽然被打开了 你会
答 : shouts " WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! "
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了 你会 
答 : don't really when she ask for it..
問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : probably car...but i don't mind other transport =]
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : no, just dive into the sea with the clothes wearing
問 : 会用防晒乳吗
答 : if u don't wanna get sunburn
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : Sony Ericsson
問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : fun, but prefer cool places then the beach lor =]

問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : sometimes..
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : yes 
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : ehh...err...Li Han [ dun kill me ar!! ><]
問 : 有人说我该減肥了 你会
答 : cut down lor..
問 : 自恋 適合你吗
答 : everyone has 自恋 punya...not same lvl only XP

1. Enyze
2. Sin Wei
3. D&D
4. Wei Wei
5. Zuo-Shan
6. Amanda
7. Jo Ann
8. Charlene
9. Hui Wen
10. Man Yee

*你常笑吗:: of course~
* 你喜欢去哪兒玩:: anywhere nice can le
* 去玩时喜欢一个人去吗:: no...the more the merrier, but too many not gud lor
* 如是假日时你都睡到几点:: 12-2am >O<
* 今天的天气如何:: rainy, not worth calling it sunday =\
* 朋友和情人你会选择:: 朋友lor
* 机会和命运你会选择:: both, i'm greedy xp
* 你很自恋吗:: not really
* 你有穿过耳洞:: no and never will, natural's the best
* 你交过几个男(女)朋友:: some questions, like this one, has no answer to it..Hee~ XD

PS: sorry, unable to type chinese, 'cause i don't have the program =\

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm still alive----! x3

heh, didn't even touch my blog in ages xD

since i've nothing to write...
comments on what to write..anyone? ( besides anime, been doing that alot ==)
if u do, leave it in my chattie =O


heard from Amanda, there's gonna be a anime festival next Sat, Taylor's college in Subang Jaya (?)
somehow, i'm feeling a little bit interested, yet uninterested in the same time Dx
i just hope this one gives me an impact =] ( HAGAREN!!! )
hopes it'll be a great success XP


time really flies lately, it's September already!
but, i just..wanna halt time, rewinding my life, undoing the mistakes i made then,
but, a girl's gotta keep moving forward, making more memories... to cherish along the way
( why am i typing like this..== )
anyone's has a blueprint for Timemachine 5000? XP


This one's probably focuses on Amanda xD

heard before? an illegal fan-made game by a group in China called Bluebird's Illusion (BBI)?
WARNING: FMA-related!! yaoi available too!
actually, i'm just interested in one of the characters, Pride. ( no, it's not King Bradley [anime] , nor Selim Bradley [manga] ==)
The one i'm talking about is a Homunculus, Edward's homunculus...
and he's H.O.T~~~~~~~~~ ^O^

see (ignore Envy ==)

the cover for BBI (gyah, coolness~)

anyways, here's another FMA omake XD XD XD


Currently : needs a goal to focus on x.x

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Omake 2 : Edo's Height x3

Monday, August 3, 2009

what i did with google~

ponteng class 2day XD, sick.." a-ah--AH-CHOOOOOOOO" =_____=

..............siannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ........................................

*types stuff about FMA*
*a whole list of webbies pops out*

found this xD :

will post more stuff about Hagaren soon =]



Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Changed my playlist song, hope u all enjoy~

Adolescence by Kagamine Rin/Len

sry for i've not been blogging for the past month..[which happens alot ==]

what i've been doing lately:
- sejarah folio..==
-freaking out, thought folio stress was gonna end..didn't keep my nouth, gotta do Geography folio too! TT
- writing a story with my co-writer, Mimi Tan CY [personal info unrevealed =x]

x3 Edward Elric, Kagamine Rin/Len

Take otakuness to a new level~~!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

SUAC's ~Animangaki '09~ [ i spelt it correctly..rite? =x]

okayy....i juz got back from there, it's quite fun xD

probably the best 1 i ever been ( coz i never been to 1 b4, ya' get what i mean..==)

there's only 1 reason i went there, only ONE.

--ANIME!!!! [ although it wasn't what i expected, but still good =D]

entered the event place and saw our school's art club selling their hand-made, custom recycling bags..
the 1st person i saw is Hui Qi & she's buzy drawing--err--decorating one of the recycling bags O_O

a pic of Shakugan no Shana anime on it~~ >.<

there alot of stuff there, sketches, cosplay, sketches, DVDs, plushies, etcetera-etcetera, blah,blah,blah..

it was around 2.30, and they were showing -Brave Story- in one of their theater halls
although the title's kinda..uhh..lame, but the story's good =]

we missed 30 mins of the movie TT,
but it's free, so who cares, there's youtube =x

want the synopsis? go to this link >> and find for urself xD


the movie ended, it was 4 pm, and we went for the loo
(aka W.C.)
(if u still dun get it, it's called washroom/toilet)
(if u still CAN'T get it, plz...for pete's sake, go check a dictionary ==)

my 1st thought was :" where the heck is the female toilet..."


went back to the art club's booth, and she's still at the same spot, doing the same thing
i pity her =\, if i volounteer to take over her place, for a friend, i will =]

i was asked to support them by buying the bags, and i really, REALLY want a bag with my favourite anime on it, so...^^


there were band performances, and they were playing various songs from many animes

this is the list of songs i recognized =x
*Butterfly- Digimon season 1 1st OP song
*-4got song title- from Rurorin Kenshin 1st OP song
*Doraemon song...
*Rolling Star- YUI - Bleach OP song
* Sayonara Solitaire-Crono Crusade anime song..?

there were cosplayers too
i kinda took a picture of Tomoyo from Tsubasa..putting on makeup..

the anime merchandises i mostly saw there were:
*naruto *bleach
[ these 2 above is a must for ppl, or else it wun attract ppl coming here ==]
*soul eater
etc. etc. ...

there even fortune telling about ur lovelife~
i took it, seriously, no joke [ for self-entertainment purposes only xD]

i was told to shuffle the cards while thinking of the person i like (i seriously did that)

this is what i got..i think
getting Ace,K,Q,J,10....probably a good sign gua =x

we even played games like what jap ppl played during the omatsuri festival

well, we wanted...but sudah tutup =\ especially the game u use a really thin paper-like net to catch fishes and put them in a ball ball =[
we did bought the ball ball thing (fish not included, sold seperately @ fish shop )

then there's even DDR [dance dance revolution aka dancing game ]
and it's FOC!!

with the lastest song too~
even YUI's Again was available~
K-On's ED song "Don't say lazy " was there too =x

when we went back to the booth's, Hui Qi finally finished it!! hooray for her~


quite fun actually.. =]

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tag #1, by Darren & Darryl

1.Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
The cheek..?
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Err..okay i guess =x
3. Who was the last person you took a photo with?
My best friends ( for sivik project o.o)
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Probably...maybe...yes =]
5. Will you ever donate blood?
to some1 i care for
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Yeap xD
7. Do you want someone to be dead?
It depends on da situation ==
8. What does your last text message say?
"Ya" from my fren
9. What are you thinking about right now?
Thinking how to answer this Q...
10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
1.30 am...juz back from watching the premier of Transformers 2
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?'s a second-hand shirt..given from some1
13. Is someone on your mind right now?
Not really...but probably..i'm not sure ><
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
Khang Lei.
TEN Lucky People to do this quiz.
#1 Wei Wei
#2 Yuen Yi
#3 Amanda
#4 Man Yee
#5 Man Lynn
#6 Jo Ann
#7 Hui Wen
#8 Sin Wei
#9 Darren & Darryl
#10 Rafael

15.Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
I duno, lol
16. Is no.3 a male or a female?
Female lar..or else..?
17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be good?
err..kinda weird..
18. What is no.1 studying?
Form 2.
19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
3, this morning
4,5 in the car
6,9 yesterday
1,7 during orchestra
never spoke to 10 b4 ==
often say hi to most of them only =x
20. Is no.4 single?
Ehh..ask her
21. Say something about no.2.
Hmm..she's my cousin. Seldom meet each other...kinda cute ^^
22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
as friends lol
23. Describe no.9.
Twins. Happy-go-lucky ppl, although can be emo sometimes =x
24 . What will you do if no.6 n no.7 fight?
don't think they will fight ><
25 . Do you like no.8?
as a friend =D


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

what's up after the holidays

okok..while i'm typing this, i'm listening to..uhh..kris allen & adam lambert's version of " No Boundaries "...

it's actually my 1st time listening to the songs..
i think kris allen sings better ( plus, he's straight, u get what i mean..right? =x )

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3

quite buzy this week..since it's Minggu Koperasi

helping out with the jumble sale..
darn it, had recalled the "Semangat Koperasi" song already... help me~~= =
and singing on stage on Monday too..-_-

...feeling weird

anyways, i'm in a sketching mood now~
i'm doing my 2nd picture

the 1st 1 was edward elric
2nd is alphonse x3

wanna see it..? =x
now deciding what to draw for the 3rd 1...[ i was thinking of winry rockbell...or maybe Sora from KH..? xD ]


Thursday, June 11, 2009

probably to all the ppl i know out there, something to share =]

if ya' never heard of fullmetal alchemist, go watch the anime/ read the manga . ( my orders =x)

heard that the 2nd OP & ED theme song for Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood  is gonna be out around july/august xD

OP theme : Hologram- NICO touches the walls
ED theme : Let It Out - Miko Fukuhara

got a feeling it's gonna be wroth listening to =)

FMA rules~
girls too, since the manga was drawn by a female =x

Ed and Al's seiyu too =]


P.S : seiyu - voice actress in Japanese ._.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

TOP SECRET: Suspect's Mid-year Holiday: Day 1

Agent A : Inspector, i've gathered much info about the suspect..

Inspector L : Good job, now hand it over.


May 30
( 1st day of holiday,
  2nd day of a terrible flu)
[nothing to do with Influenza A ==]

-0900 hrs -
~ was seen using the com

-1200 hrs -
~ still using the com..
~watching anime

-1630 hrs -
~ went for tuition
~ her fren, whose crazy about green tea ice cream, talks about the ice cream..==

- 1930 hrs -
~ went to the international book fair in MINES [ at least this time was better than last yr's in PWTC,       so-called "international book fair" when most book are originated from our beloved M'sia =\ ]
~ saw all of 弯弯's books there~~~~~~~~~~><  wanted to buy them, badly
    but can't, coz
   3 books stack 2gether = 1 cm pun tada* = around rm100...........!! ==
~ bought a book , 星空下的约会, 3rd author!!..................=]
~ took a survey,( it's kinda stupid though..there's even spelling error, too)
~ saw magic tricks
~ bought 平旦漫画,got an autograph from the author x3
~ saw manga, anime poster, anime goodie stuff =x [ sry ar, anime freak here :X ]
~ actually SAW food in a book fair
~ THERE'S EVEN GREEN TEA ICE CREAM...................==

- 2200 hrs - 
~ went back home lo, what else?




tada*= suspect's way of saying tak ada, which came from the phrase " tidak ada", which means                     don't have =x


probably bored, so did this............... . . . .. . . .. .  . ..... 

mind the weirdness..==

Thursday, May 21, 2009


watch it xD

made me ROFLMAO =D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a daydreamer's nightmare of 21-5-09..ahahahaaa...==


Mid-year DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! uhh... i mean examination -_-''
the schl gonna be really quiet, i can even hear ur soul, terrified ..


SHHhhhh......baka crow, DO NOT DISTURB US!!
( we're gonna have BBQ crow for lunch if it disturb us '

... .. .. . ..... .. .... ..... ....... .. ....

History on the 1st day!!,
not only that,
BM Paper 2 too!!


... .. ...... .. ....... .. .. .  ....... .  . . ....

tick--tick-- time passing by
tick--tick-- teacher marking stuff =x

not even an idea to write may take some time to think...

while thinking:
..plays with pen~
conteng table~


apabila ada idea,
"now got idea liao, now--

--how to make it into a story..=="

- uhh..lost track of time? -

*hands up paper* 


something forgotten.. what liao ar...?



CIKGU!!! ---- MATTE~~

Teacher: apa u nak? cikgu mau minum latte laa...


i know, i know
i shouldn't be sitting in front of the com, bloggin'
& facebooking..xD

typed for fun oni mar~ =]

i'm here, wishing my frens ( and me, of course =p

GUD LUCK  FOR D' TEST!! especially sejarah ><

tambah minyak mina-san~
[ hey, u all prefer BBQ crow or deep fried gagak..? gg ]

GAK!!!!!!!! cabut-to!! =x

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Boredom can lead to anything!

You are probably thinking
" why this fella took a picture of the window... =.="

it's not a window, i took a pic of the wall xD

the sun was REALLY terik, ...
and i was lying around the house,

when i was gonna reach the point of no return [ boredom, i meant ]
my sis played with her magnifying glass...
so...the so-called "scientific experiment" idea popped into my mind =]

even worse,
we even tried burning newspaper =x
i thought it wouldn't work, but when i focused the light onto the paper...

1 sec later~ there's a black spot
2 sec later~ it made a hole =x

so,...later we..uhh...kinda "drew" art on the newspaper...


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SMKS4's sport's day yang ke-6 xD

hmm.....some photos i took during the schl's sport day~~

aww~ they look sooooooooo CUTE~~ and Sophia wanted this photo really badly =x

we present to you Rumah Kuning's mascot....SPONGEBOB!!

' i'm ready~ i'm ready~"........what does krabby patty taste like anyway?

( totally OFF topic :X )


Wind orchestra performed during the sport's day
( EHH??? must stand on the bench and play arr....??? T T)

one of our band instructors brought his violin along too! i've never seen a violin with my very own eyes ==...

we even tested it out!! 

lalalalaaa~...kinda took this for no reason at all =x


as they say, pictures tell 1000 words =x
and i'm kinda lazy to type xD

P.S: have not been blogging for more than a month, gomenazai =x

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


err...was planning to blog about the schl's sport's day ( and add the cool photos, of course~ xD)

and the probably "interesting" stuff that happened~

but, dun hav the mood lately..=x

but i still remember what happened =D

sry lor..i'll post sooner or later
probably sooner xD

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Having FUN @ Hutan Rekreasi Sg.Teloka...& the cemetery..??

a person can have fun @ anytime, anywhere, & in anyway~ xD

... .. . ... .... .. .. .

went to the cemetery to pray for the deceased on Sunday... it's my 1st time actually..==

my cousins and i kacau a spider web, and it's really big..
about one's arm long.. [ spent a long time weaving it, gone within a second.. =\ ]

after we "sao mu", we went..uhh.. wandering around..

<= looks hot, ain't it? IT"S EVEN SIZZLING!! =x

<= the cemetery..

<= my cousin feelin' hot after walking less than 5

mins o.o


then, we went to a hutan rekreasi nearby the cemetery..

i was kinda..dazzled when i saw the scenery...

it's was...what i imagined,
a place without pollution,
peaceful & quiet...

ain't it beautiful~ i can live here 4ever~~!

even the water's has 3C!!

cool~ ahhh..... x3

then, we went's my 1st time too! [..dang it, nid to go out more often..]

we went high up. there's a waterfall there. and it's much colder than the 3C water...


my uncle who went up even higher than us, brought back a dead's the BIGGEST 1 i seen in my entire life...

hmm..interesting specimen.....xD

BBQ gives more protein than chicken meat... =x
maybe it even taste like chicken..? who knows~
One will know if they try~ *chews *

~BLoGGie uPDaTeS~


i can add pics that i took, to my blog~ xD


and now, there's a clock in my blog,
thx to my bro~ xD

arigatou onii-chan~!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fooling & be Fooled~ April Fool's Day ;D

when i came to schl, there's 1 line of cloud " expanding ", so CY and I started observing it... for scientific purposes xD

coz it looked like the spinal cord, then the small intestine and finally the large intestine..
i know,
u know,
we know,

that it's kinda weird to think like that~

oh ya, i told Shalini that the cloud looks like the spinal cord..
she doesn't believe me, lolx

i told her to look up, she refused xD

it's April Fool's Day!

and i fooled Man Lynn 2 times, with:


" u know what? Charlene's gonna pindah skolah! "

" What the...HOW COME???? "

" coz it's April Fool's Day xD " idea, but CY said it for me =D ( above )

2) " ei , y ur hand got mark 1? "

then she checked her

"where got.."

( i even fooled CY with this =x)

well, foolers can be fooled
including ME! =.=

amd their plans didn't need ANY planning..--

" ei..your hair, very messy lar"
i touched my hair, " got meh "
"April Fool~" (==)


CY's joke..

" Ms. Kek outside our class! "
* turns head..*
" swt.."

i 4got Ms. Kek didn't came that day..@@

btw, CY was happy the whole


... . .. .. .. . ..

P.S: the words that i've highlighted in green is me~

P.P.S: i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv green!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A saturday that kinda happens once in a blue moon in my life...

OK...2day's the Mesyuarat agung PIBG
& we have to perform

wore my fren's black shoes
and my long-sleeved shirt & slacks

kinda look like a college student..or a doctor..==
prefer doctor xD

after the performance, we were given:

  • 1 bungkus of nasi lemak,
  • 1 curry puff ( yes, juz 1, not 1 bag filled with them =x) and..
  • 1 bottle of mineral water..

the things above that i ate is my breakfast...

around 10am, CY came to meet me,

[ i get to meet her parents~!...[seems that she has been talking to her parents about me lots of times, as their reaction to me seems that way..]

I followed her car to KL's house, coz

we wanted to practice for our play. it's to get points for the English oral test..=.=

o.o..i didn't know that KH rears leeches..

kinda gross..but interesting.. ..... ... .. .. .... but STILL GROSS!! =_=

~12 45 pm- 2 pm~

wanna know something? i've waited for my dad to come back so i can go in the house..


~8 30pm~

It's Earth Hour!! and every1 turned off their lights to show their support, well, not every1 lar...

Had off our lights, JUST lights

TV left on with air-con..=x

but we did off our lights..xD

Even showed their support for Mummy Earth~ =]

~ =D

P.S: wth...i left my music scores in the music room, the SAME way that happened to my pencil box..==